Brian Atkinson

8th World Assembly in Seoul, South Korea
Brian Atkinson is a sought-after international and inspirational speaker, and emcee. He enjoys filling guest-speaking slots, as well as acting as host or emcee at conferences, churches and youth groups whenever he gets the chance. Brian has served as the Director of Digital Communications at American Bible Society, and the Director of Digital Media at The Bible Gateway (Gospel Communications International). He has worked as a communications director, standup comic, technology manager, church-planter, radio announcer, welder, and ice cream man. Brian has served on the board of directors of an adoption agency and on the Internet Committee of the National Religious Broadcasters. He has a lot of t-shirts.
Reviews – what people say about Brian Atkinson
Master of Ceremonies
Brian Atkinson – Clean Corporate and Church Comedy
How’s Your Coffee?
Digital Communication – Tools for a New Millennium
I’m helping church leaders and ministries to understand our audience, to learn how they communicate, how they think, understand, and relate to each other. Learn what they think of us Christians, the Church, and what we’re doing. And, what do we do next. Your coffee might be an indicator of how you’re doing.
More Speaking Topics
Social Media Strategy
Your Social Media presence is going to be, if not already, the primary way your constituents, customers, donors, and fans interact with you and your brand. A Social Media strategy customized and designed for your goals makes all the difference. You need to understand the different platforms, types of media to use, types and frequency of posts, and advertising. Executing the strategy is even more important.
On The Crossroads
This full-day seminar helps church leaders and churches to understand our audience, to learn how they communicate, how they think, understand, and relate to each other. Learn what they think of us Christians, the Church, and what we’re doing. And, what do we do next.
Be Like Me
If you’re the parent of a teenager, your’re likely tempted to want them to be like you. Clearly, this is a bad idea. Jesus calls to us, “Come on, be like me” instead. This talk for teens and parents is a great way to meet in the middle over the most important role model. And it’s not us.
The Big “S” Word
Yes, THAT “S” word – Sex, the birds and the bees, doing it, getting it on, the horizontal mambo, getting the VIP tour at Neverland, and I’m sure there’s more you can think of – from a Biblical perspective. Does the Bible have anything to say about sex? Does the Bible really say to keep sex for marriage?
Communion Communication
Jesus gave us his body and blood as a way to regularly communicate his love to us. What are we putting into our regular communication and how does that reflect Christ to the world around us?
Context and Community
Is your Web site just an online brochure, or do you really make an impact for Christ through the Internet? What does it mean to do ministry online? How can you measure your effectiveness?
Digital Communication – tools for a new millennium
It’s said that a picture paints a thousand words. At 30 frames per second, a 5 minute video contains 9-thousand pictures. Do the math! Our world is becoming increasingly visually driven and the internet’s growth as a delivery channel for video points to the importance of visual communication. In a pre-literate world, the church used stained glass to communicate the truth and power of God. After briefly toying with printed media, the world has entered a post-literate phase which requires digital stained glass.
Extreme Makeover: Website Edition
Bring your web address and your safety helmet, then sit back for a no-holds barred critique of your Web site. What are you doing well? What doesn’t work? How can you fix it? (Warning: This workshop is not for the thin-skinned or faint-of-heart.)
Internet Strategies: Exectutive Overview
National Religious Broadcasters Convention
You’ve got a web site, but what are you doing with it? How do you build your web team, manage growth, adopt new technologies? This is a great session for ministry leaders, CEOs and Head Pastors. Don’t worry we’ll go slow.
On This Rock
In 1965 pornography was a $2-billion business, today it approaches $100-billion and is 10-times the revenue of ABC, CBS, and NBC combined. How do we live as Christians in a world that constantly bombards us with pornographic images? If you, like me, have struggled with pornography, how can God use you, and use me to fulfill His purposes?
Permanence in Adoption
Many adopted children struggle with issues of abandonment or lack a sense of permanence. In this class, usually presented for prospective adoptive parents, I discuss my own experiences as an adopted child, developing identity while lacking permanence, reuniting with my birth family and eventually being adopted again by my biological mother.
Print World – Digital Age
The goals of this project is to communicate the need-to, and the how-to, of communicating in a digital age using new media when you come from a print world. Starting with the basic journalism questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how, this presentation was delivered for the Bible Societies of the Americas, Director’s Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Ramping up your worship
When most people think about worship in a church setting, they usually picture some type of musical number. How does the look and feel of your worship environment transcend songs and hymns? How does this new-fangled worship style fit a liturgical model? How can Christians make worship accessible to a skewed skeptic or de-churched individual while still appealing to the Choir?
Red Paper Clip Ideas
In 2006, Kyle MacDonald traded one red paper clip for a house. What big ideas do you have and are they lining up with what God has in store for you? What small thing can you put into God’s hands and what might He do with it?
RSS – Really Simple Syndication: Really Simple Explanation
RSS is Really Simple Syndication. It is a format used to publish frequently updated web content such as blogs, news headlines, podcasts. Either as a comsumer or a publisher of content. I try to answer the basic what and why questions about RSS and offer some advice about using it in blogs and choosing an RSS reader for yourself.
SEO – search engine optimization
Whether you know it or not, like it or not, or are good at it or not, if you have a web site, you are engaged in a marketing campaign. Marketing for Search Engines stresses the importance of Search Engine Optimization for an organic campaign and the importance of research using a variety of free tools to help you along the way. Paid campaigns also benefit from those free tools and some are built right in to Google Adwords or Overture.
Spend Less Get More
This course is for website startups or startovers. Creating a Web site with cool stuff used to require people with supreme technical expertise (geeks). Today, features like photo galleries, blogs and more, are easy to implement, fun to use, and surprisingly affordable, thanks to the growth in open source (i.e. “free”) software. This workshop will introduce you to wide array of useful tools to make your Web site more useful, effective and fun.
What are you doing with your lunch?
2000 years ago, a child gave Jesus everything he had with him that day and Jesus did something unexpected, unusual, and amazing with it. Do you bring everything you have before the throne of God with a sense of expectation?